Thursday, February 23, 2012

TOP ROD = Locals in the hunt

The quest for Top rod for 2012 is on. Ettiene, Chase & Chris have landed 40lbs so far. Here is a picure of Chris's fish. This common is a new PB for Chris at 46Lbs 8Oz. Come on ladds its open season.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Local lad Chris Leon shows he can do it!

Local angler Chris Leon with some fine specimens taken over a weekend at Donaldson Dam. The common fell on swim2 for a Mulberry Florentine Pop Up and the Chris fooled the mirror on some artificial maize also on swim2. Nice going Chris!

African Summer

Gerhard Weizz from Germany & John Landridge from Spain with some of their success. Gerhard in particular had an awesome time with 6 x 40lbs fish!