Thursday, December 16, 2010

Donaldson Dam Does South African Grass Carp Record

Wow Louis Haywood has just caught a fantastic 63lb 8oz Grass carp from Donaldson Dam. This is a new South African Record.
Well done Louis!!!!!!!!

Donaldson was stocked 6 years ago with 6 grass carp between 25 and 30lb This is the first time one has been caught and how well has this fish done, let's hope the others are as big or bigger.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Russian Agent For African Gold

Welcome Max. 

It gives us great pleasure to have you on board as our Russian Agent. 

Max can be contacted at,
Max Akhunov

For all Russian enquiries. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

John Landridge with a great 50

Dean Gay
Sent From Iphone UK 

Friday, October 15, 2010

A Rare Moment Gaz with a Fish

Another fantastic September Common

Whilst Gaz and myself were building an extension to enlarge the African Gold base this great common roared off and the trowels were dropped to get this one landed. Couldn't be better.

Had a great trip in September.

Spent three weeks with Gaz in September which was Fantastic. Thanks mate.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pilot Dave Woodledge who has only been carp fishing for 6 months was no April fool when he decided to make another 48hour trip back to Donaldson Dam.
with Gary Hoden & African Gold.

Dave booked the nights of the 31 of March and the 1st of April. He was lucky to be fishing under a full moon phase which in the past regularly produced big fish cathes in South Africa.
The weather was not playing along with rain on the first night but the fishing was on and Dave landed a new PB at 3am. The common settled the scales at 43lb 8oz. Now this was Dave first 40
and he was delighted.

After a cuppa he settled down again for the remainder of the night. Ther rest of the night went by without any action. A little after first light the alarms where of screaming again and Dave was on it in a flash.
When it eventualy decided to grace us with a view its high shoulders where a good indication of another big fish.

The scales stopped at 49lb 06oz and Dave was lucky ennough to have another one of Donaldson's big commons. What fishing.... 2 PB in such a short time. Could he smash his PB again?
Alas it was not to be...

There was two other runs, one a small double and another 40 pounder comming in at 40lb 4oz. Dave was amazed that he had 3 fourties in a 48Hour session confirming that even in the rain Donaldson Dam can still produce amazing fish.

British pilots , Nick Eccles & Dave Wooledge who usually after flying passengers from Heathrow to Johannesburg have a 48hr stop over at a hotel on Johannesburg, got in touch with
African Gold's owner Gary Hoden and arranged to be picked up from their hotel to spent some time fishing at Donaldson Dam.
And what a time they had.

The two of them were in for a session why beyond their expectations. They had 18 runs and landed 10 fish with a 42Lb common caught by Nick being the best (new PB for Nick).
Dave is a relitive new comer to the sport, but now he is firmly hooked. This was excellent for a 48hr session and we are looking forward to see them again.

Meanwhile local angler Gareth Birch who had a tremondoues season last year, banking 7 x fourties and 2 x fifties is continuing his succes of landing big fish. He aleady bankend 3 different 40lb plus fish this year so far. The biggest being a 45lb 08oz mirror.

Christmas Crackers

Christmas 2009 was to be spent in sunny South Africa by Keith Purton and his son Andrew from Hong Kong. Spending their Christmas holiday with Gary Hoden and African Gold at Donaldson Dam.
Thirteen year old Andrew who is a keen up-en -coming had been down on his luck before this trip catching swine flu and then breaking his arm while playing rugby for Hong Kong at under 14 level. His plastercast was only removed 2 days before flying out to SA.

Both Keith and Andrew had fished for 3 weeks in July 2009 with Gary fishing , Klaserie- & Tzaneen and Donaldson dam where Keith had been fortunate enough to catch 5 forties up to 47lbs12oz and Andrew a number up the high 30's.This being a much shorter trip they were to fish only at Donaldson Dam and maybe a night or two at Grassmere for grass carp. Obviously Andrew was hoping for a 40lbs fish this trip and his Christmas present came two days early in the shape of a pristine 42lbs common, his first ever 40lbs fish. What better present can a young boy ask for? Keith was not to be outdone and also landed a 41lbs8oz common on boxing day. Andrew's biggest prize came on New Years Eve when he landed a superb common which settled the scales at 46lbs8oz. What a why to finish the year on a high note!

The two of them also fitted 2 short sessions at Grassmere in their short trip where although pestered by small carp Keith managed a well respected 36lbs12oz grassie which was a new PB for his for grass carp and they where witness to one of Gary's friends Graig land a 42lbs grass carp. Penelope Zikhali who was learning about fishing by catching bass at Donaldson progress to carp under the guidance of Gary was fortunate to land a 38lbs8oz Mirror.Gaz said (reflecting on the year),
"that Klaserie & Tzaneen had fished reasonable OK with fish caught to just under the 40lbs mark in sometime difficult conditions due to the high water level mark. Donaldson is going from strength to strength since Gary took over and in 2009 it had consistently produce 40lbs fish every month with the final tally for the year being 64 fish between 40-50lbs and 5 x 50lbs being banked. Underlining the fact that it is the only water in South Africa to consistently produce big fish and showing why it is known as the best carp fishing water in SA

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dean Gay
Sent from iPhone.


Part of a Monster Haul 48 hours over 300lb fish

Dean Gay Sent from iPhone. www.africangold.Info